Chapter 13 Personal Bankruptcy Stories

Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy stories are a resource that can help one to decide if this is the right choice in a difficult debt situation.

There are many that fear bankruptcy, usually we fear that which is of the unknown to us.

Planning ahead is the best choice in all major decisions in life and the experiences of others help us do that.

Just as with the Chapter 7 bankruptcy there is much to consider and knowledge of many possibilities beforehand can make the choice much easier.

In a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy case a repayment plan is devised which must be worked out according to how much income is left over after qualified living expenses have been figured in.

The plan then must be submitted, approved and confirmed by a bankruptcy judge making this the more tedious bankruptcy option.

If you have been through this type of a personal bankruptcy please share your story as it can help many others in the process!!

Been through a Chapter 13 Personal Bankruptcy?

Helpful Information to Include:

  • the state you reside in
  • how much your mortgage was modified
  • any other helpful mortgage details encountered during the modification process
  • were you able to completely discharge any

    Include any info you are comfortable with sharing
    as to how much your debt load was lowered.

    Let us know what you learned from the experience,

    anything you wished you had known beforehand,
    any surprises and any ongoing story.

    Thanks for sharing!!

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